The cold weather is right around the corner. Leaves will soon be turning and falling to the ground. You do not want to leave your lawn in a bad way heading into the cold, rather you want to set it up for ample and healthy growth for the spring. The cool temperatures prevent growth above ground but work well as a buffer with moist soils to enhance the strengthening of roots, a gift from Mother Nature that gives a head start of sorts that allows you to prepare for next growing season.
The landscaping at your Strasburg or nearby environs’ home screams for adequate fall care. Here at Root’s Nurseries we care about local landscaping and would like to provide a few tips that will help you enhance the growth of your spring lawn and garden through efforts made during the fall:
- Get rid of dead items from any and all areas of your lawn and landscaping. Should the fall yield an excessive amount of heavy leaf cover, rake and remove those as well. Ridding your lawn of dead leaves will prevent them from blocking out sunlight that otherwise would reach your grass or landscaping.
- Acquire some high-phosphorous fertilizer mix and apply generously to your lawn. Utilizing this sort of fertilizer will encourage the growth of roots that will allow for green turf emerging much earlier in the Spring than otherwise it would.
- Enjoy and celebrate a final mowing of the year! This particular mow will allow for you to drop those blades and cut a bit shorter that you otherwise would.
- Take the leaves you have gathered earlier and place them in an area where they will decompose naturally. Your decomposed leaves will become compost and you will be able to use it as a fertilizer for your lawn in the spring. Compost is amongst the greatest of all natural fertilizers in existence and you can easily you’re your landscaping waste into this.
- Once your fall lawn and landscaping maintenance is complete, rest easy feeling satisfied over a job well done. The spring will yield a much healthier lawn and landscaping as a result.
Thinking about hiring a landscaping company for your Strasburg home or business? Start today by calling Root’s Nurseries at 717-898-0041 or Request a Free Estimate.