People come from all around to see the beautiful reds, oranges and yellow leaves of a Pennsylvania autumn. But, could your landscape use a little color? Have serious fall foliage envy? As the trusted landscape company for Strasburg and the surrounding areas, we know a thing or two about trees. In fact, at Root’s Nurseries we grow our own trees on our 120 acres! The expert staff at Root’s Nurseries can enhance your outdoor living area with plantings for 4 season enjoyment. A wide variety of healthy shade trees, shrubs and other plants are at the disposal of our landscape designers who will get the job done right the first time. Whether you want trees or shrubs for shade or a wind break, need to cover a garden bed, or just want to add visual appeal, our team can help. We know just the right trees to add that pop of color you’re looking for! Here is some more information about fall foliage trees including the ones you want and the ones you should stay away from.
When you want to improve the fall color in your yard it doesn’t hurt to start with a top of the line shade tree that offers beautiful reds and yellows; the beautiful maple. This includes Japanese maple, red maple and sugar maple among others. But you’ll want to supplement the color from your maples with the color provided by other good fall foliage trees. Oak trees can be useful for extending the fall foliage season because long after the maples have dropped their leaves, oaks will still be offering color.
Some other trees that can offer great fall foliage include the black tupelo, Eastern black walnut, Black gum, flowering dogwood, magnolias, Pignut hickory and more. And, evergreen trees offer year round beauty of course!
Not all trees add good color to your landscape and some that do should be avoided for other reasons. For example catalpa trees can be a delight other times of the year but in the fall their leaves turn black. It is also important to avoid any invasive species of trees. Our landscape company knows what kinds of trees these are and will never plant them in your yard.
Ready to get started growing some fall foliage of your own? Our landscape company can assist with tree and plant selection to provide both function and aesthetics. The best part is our team will install everything for you!
To learn more about our landscape company serving Strasburg and surrounding areas, call Root’s Nurseries at 717-898-0041, contact us or request a free estimate.