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Benefits of Evergreen Trees in Your Winter Landscape

While winter this year has been less white than normal throughout central PA, many are dreaming of white winters ahead. When you picture your perfect winter landscape, do you see evergreen trees with layers of snow on the branches, glistening with ice in your yard? If you do (or if you don’t and you wish you had), consider buying and planting evergreen trees in Mount Joy!

Evergreen trees provide more benefits to harshly beautiful winter landscapes than just their visual appeal, and as experts in trees, we at Root’s Nurseries have put together a list of some of our favorite benefits to including evergreen trees into your landscape!

Pop of Color

Whether the winter is snowy or rainy, there is no doubt that winter lacks some of the vibrant hues incorporated in landscapes spring through fall. Rather than accepting the duller colors as a requirement of winter, instead evergreen trees can be incorporated to provide rich, deep greens all year round!

You can rely on evergreens to remain a beautiful green throughout the year, allowing you a comforting constant throughout the cold winter season.

evergreen trees mount joy

Home for Wildlife

As we mentioned before, evergreen trees provide so much more than simply their looks! Evergreen trees provide a much-needed home for many local species of wildlife, but especially for birds. If you or a loved one are an avid bird-watcher or simply enjoy listening to their songs in the morning with a cup of coffee or tea in hand, then adding evergreens to your landscape is a must!

Evergreen trees attract different species of birds to your landscape all year long, allowing you to enjoy the calm carried along with listening to the birds chirp in the morning.

Protection from Wind

Even beyond that, evergreen trees can actually help your property become more energy efficient! When placed correctly around your property, evergreen trees can create breaks in the wind, keeping the area around your home just a little bit warmer throughout the winter.

Outside of the winter, evergreen trees can also provide shade to decrease the cost of cooling your home. Plus, they can provide a natural fence and extra protection against noise pollution all year round! Are you convinced that you need evergreen trees in your Mount Joy winter landscape next year? For evergreen trees, planting, landscaping and more call Root’s Nurseries at 717-898-0041 or request a free estimate.

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