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Design Your Landscape with Winter in Mind

Winter can be long in Pennsylvania, so why not design your landscape with winter in mind? In addition to designing for the growing season, considering the winter aesthetic and function of your landscape can allow it to look its best all year round. Ensure you are giving your landscaping what it needs to thrive year-round with the right trees, shrubs and structures. Not sure where to begin? Wonder no more! As a landscape design company near Strasburg, we have a few suggestions.

landscape design company

Winter is in the Details

With some simple attention to the details during the design process, you can do a few things to make your landscape more enjoyable and usable for the winter months. Consider both the functional and the aesthetic aspects for winter. For example, is there a hot tub you would like continued access to? Do you enjoy watching wildlife out your window? Consider these suggestions to improve your winter experience:

landscape design companyThe Right Plants – Plant local, well-adapted plants. If you only plant winter dormant flowers on your property, there will be nothing to look at all winter! Your landscape design company can help you choose distinctive evergreens as well as perennials with large seedpods that bring interest when covered in snow. The experts at Root’s Nurseries landscape design company can help you find the right trees and plants for your unique landscape. Fun fact: we grow all of our own trees on 120 acres. This way we can control the quality and ensure a consistent product. And, since we are a local company we know what trees thrive best in all seasons.

Add Structure – A covered structure like a gazebo can offer some protection from the elements. Or, if you’re looking to enjoy year-round growing, a heated greenhouse can offer a wonderful escape from the frigid outdoors.

Lighting & Heat – A well-lit and/or heated pathway can provide safe, thawed walkways to your favorite areas of the property as well as stunning aesthetic appeal.

landscape design company

Shrubbery and Hedges

One of the best ways to make your landscape winter-ready is with winter interest shrubs and well-pruned hedges. Create a garden maze or dramatic outlines with hedges and your landscape will look incredible all year long.

Our college trained, detail-oriented Landscape Designers are here to serve you by developing a custom plan for your property. Our landscape design company can give you the advice you need and help you select the best trees, shrubs and flowers for your garden and landscaping.

Are you looking for a landscape design company in Strasburg? Call Root’s Nurseries at 717-898-0041, or you can contact us for a Free Estimate.

Our Projects

Roots Nurseries Inc

View photos of residential and commercial landscaping projects we have completed in Lancaster County and surrounding areas.

Roots Nurseries Garden Projects
Roots Nurseries Sidewalk Display
Roots Nurseries Landscaping of an Entry
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