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January Gardening Tips

It’s winter, so you might not be thinking about your garden, but there are still several gardening and landscaping chores you can do, even during the frigidly cold months. Here are a few winter care tips for your garden, lawn and landscaping.

Take the time to clean your clay pots. You can scrub them with steel wool, and you can soak them overnight in a solution of one gallon of water mixed with one cup of vinegar. After they are done soaking, scrub them and let them air dry.

Your indoor houseplants need more TLC than regular water and sunlight. About once a week, take a soft cloth and dust the leaves. This will allow the leaves to soak in more sunlight, and it could help them grow better.

As for your garden and outdoor plants and trees, keep an eye on them as winter progresses. Make sure you brush off any snow or ice that accumulates on them after an ice or snow storm. If you see any limbs that were damaged by the snow or ice, be sure to prune them so the bark does not tear.

Then take a look around your garden and landscaping. Do you have anything you would like to change for this spring? Maybe you want to plant something new? We can answer your questions about your gardening concerns, and we can also let you know if the plant or tree you have in mind will thrive in your garden or yard this spring.

Avoid de-icers and use sand or kitty litter for traction when it is icy out. De-icers, if they get on your grass or plants, will kill them. You can keep this from happening by switching to a safer material.

Finally, set aside a notebook to keep track of your garden this spring and summer. You can note which plants grow the best and where they grow the best. You can make a list of supplies and seeds you would like, and you can also keep track of any other questions you might have for us!

If you are interested in more tips on gardening near Mt Joy, call Root’s Nurseries at 717-898-0041 or you can Contact Us.

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