With winter essentially here (though one may not know it if we go by temperatures alone), there are some things you can do to help the overall health of your landscape. As a landscape company that has served this area for well over a century, we know a thing or two about keeping your property in the best shape possible for its spring rebirth. We offer up a series of small common sense tips that will contribute toward your lawn being in its best shape possible after the thaw.
The ideal pruning of trees and the like on your property should be done at this time of year or at some point during the cooler dormant season. Roots Nurseries, our professional home landscape company will prune your Millersville or nearby plant life. Pruning takes the skilled hands and knowledgeable brains of a landscape company that knows how to manipulate plant life to best adapt to our climate and environment. Pruning at this time of year encourages new growth during the warmer spring and summer months.
Somewhat related to the pruning, “deadheading” of perennials is a necessary task to conduct. You or our landscape company can carry this out. A trimming of the dead, old growth needs to occur so that fresh, new growth for the upcoming spring months can occur. If you do not wish to handle this on your own, call or visit us to let us know. We will be happy to give some pointers so that you can do it yourself.
Also, being that the temperatures in recent years have not dipped consistently below freezing until January, you can still add new trees to your property to enhance your home landscaping. We can tell you how to plant them and give you tips on how to care for them too.
Your lawn is in something of a state of hibernation during the winter months. If you place anything with some weight on it on the property only to leave it sit for several months of freeze and thaw, you will encounter a flattened grass presentation. This will set your lawn up to have its grass grow horizontally, or, even, not grow at all in the spring time, possibly killing the patch outright.
For more information on our home landscaping company in Millersville or any of the surrounding areas, call Root’s Nurseries at 717-898-0041 or contact us to get a Free Estimate.