Even though it might not seem like it with the weather we’ve been having in Lancaster, spring is just around the corner. So, you might be thinking ahead to landscaping and what goals you want to accomplish. One of these might be pruning, which should be an annual occurrence. Pruning helps to keep your trees and other plants in great health, and removes unhealthy branches and leaves from otherwise healthy plants.
Before you get out your pruning shears and go to work on your Lancaster PA yard, here are some tips to keep in mind.
Preparing your tools ahead of time will make the process easier and more efficient. Make sure your shears, saws, loppers and pruners are sharp and clean. Use the right one for the task at hand. Hand pruners should never be used to cut down a large tree branch, while a lopper shouldn’t be the tool for removing unwanted leaves.
Flowering Plants
Prune summer and fall flowering trees, shrubs and other plants in later winter or early spring. Spring flowering trees should be pruned shortly after their flowers are gone.
Fruiting Plants
It’s best to prune most of these when they are dormant. You’ll need to be careful, since you usually only have one opportunity to set the buds for the next crop. These will need to be pruned and tended to on a regular basis, or they will otherwise decline steadily.
These don’t need to be pruned. Never prune an evergreen tree to decrease its size because the tree will become stressed and distorted.
These are often the plants that require the most time for pruning. You can’t just prune once and never do it again. Perennials need to be pruned, sheared and deadheaded on a regular basis.
Want us to handle your pruning? Call us today at (717) 898-0041 or Click Here to Request a Free Quote.