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Winterizing Your Landscaping in Manheim PA

If you get joy from your planting beds in the warm months, then you’ll want to winterize your Manheim landscape to get that same feeling next year. There are a number of chores associated with readying the lawn for the next growing season, and here is a quick synopsis of what you should be doing to make sure your landscaping looks just as beautiful next year as it did this year.

Don’t let your lawn get forgotten in fall
Just because the weather has cooled doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stop trying to improve the health of your grass, or at bare minimum trying to keep it as healthy as it is. Be sure to remove broadleaf weeds, have a soil test done and rake leaves.

Winterize annual and vegetable beds
At the top of your agenda should be fall garden care. Take the time to remove old plant matter and use it as compost. Rototilling, while not an absolute necessity, can make spring gardening much easier. If you decide to go forward with rototilling, then apply lime if your pH is too low. Also protect your topsoil with a cover crop or a mulch (great for smaller beds).

Trees and shrubs
One of the best things you can do to get your trees and shrubs through the cold Manheim temperatures is to water the in the fall. Much of the damage they sustain is the result of the inability to draw water from the frozen earth.

Perennial garden beds
These should be cleaned up and mulched. Both of these go together, so you need to do both for your efforts to be rewarded.

Compost bin
Cover up your compost with tarp. To insulate it from the winter weather, put a layer of leaves on top and all around the perimeter.

Also …
Don’t forget to bring in your garden hose and turn off the hose’s water source. Take the time to get your snowblower ready with new oil, a spark plug, belt inspection and a tank of new gas.

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